couple-sur-la-plageZwei am Meerstrand (Couple on the beach) 1903 Nolde Stiftung Seebüll
emilnodewhitetreeWhite Trees Trunks 1908, Brücke Museum Berlin
emil-nodedetailDetail of White Tree Trunks
What strikes first is the explosion of vivid colors in his paintings, and then the variety of his inspiration and the return of major themes.
au-cafeIm Café, 1911, Museum Folkwang, Essen
Nights of the swinging and decadent Berlin of early  twentieth century.
nolde_cabaret_smallPublikum im Cabaret (Audience at Music-Hall), 1911,Nolde Stiftung Seebüll
Dance and movement.
ronde-endiableeWildanzende Kinder (wild dancing children) 1909, Kunshalle zu Kiehl
nolde_danse_macabreder Tod als Tänzerin (Death dancing) etching, 1918, Nolde Stiftung Seebüll
Fantasy, nightmares and Tales
nolde_enfant_smallKind und Grosse Vogel (Child and big bird) 1912, Statens Museum for Kunst, Copenhagen
Spirituality, legends and religion.
la-vie-du-christdas Leben Christi (Life of Christ) 1911/1912 Nolde Stiftung Seebüll
crucifixionCentral pannel, Crucifixion.
Of course, Church establishement hated it, but he kept on.
nolde_tombeau_smallGrablegung (burial) 1915, Nolde Stiftung Seebüll
The wild see, as in the exhibition’s poster
nuages-deteSommerwolken (summer clouds) 1913, Museo Thyssen-Bornemizsa, Madrid
Sky and lanscapes.
crepusculeVorabend (Sunset) 1916 Kunsmuseum, Basel
nolde_hambourg_small1Hamburg 1910, engraving, Nolde Stiftung Seebüll.
His travels
deux-russesZwei Russen II, 1915, MoMA New York.

Emil Nolde 1867-1956, up to January 19,  everyday except Tuesday 10 AM to 8 PM, up to 10 PM on Wednesday, Price € 10, Galerie Nationale du Grand-Palais, avenue Churchill, 7508 Paris  Metro Champs-Elysées -Clémenceau, tel 33(0)1 44 13 17 17.
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